Friday, April 20, 2007

Lab 7: MIDI

MIDI lab took me about an hour but was pretty fun once I had it all running. Ben Yee motivated me to get'er done by supplying a pre-sodered MIDI connector cable.

Lab 6: Controlling Motors

Ahh, monster trucks. That takes me back. For this lab, Paul and I scrapped together some scraps, tossed in a motor and made our truck drive forward AND reverse! Actually it didn't go hardly anywhere as we used duck tape as the belt between motor and wheel axle. But on the bright side of things we did get the motor going in two directions so a small victory.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Final Project Prototyping

The idea for the final project is to have a bird-esque thing of wings that hang by a stiff rod from the ceiling. the wings are on a hinge and dangle on the sides. Underneath the bird will be a fan that, once triggered, will spin to send an air current upward creating lift underneath the wings causing them to rise and fall to simulate the bird flapping its wings in flight.