Friday, April 20, 2007

Lab 7: MIDI

MIDI lab took me about an hour but was pretty fun once I had it all running. Ben Yee motivated me to get'er done by supplying a pre-sodered MIDI connector cable.

Lab 6: Controlling Motors

Ahh, monster trucks. That takes me back. For this lab, Paul and I scrapped together some scraps, tossed in a motor and made our truck drive forward AND reverse! Actually it didn't go hardly anywhere as we used duck tape as the belt between motor and wheel axle. But on the bright side of things we did get the motor going in two directions so a small victory.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Final Project Prototyping

The idea for the final project is to have a bird-esque thing of wings that hang by a stiff rod from the ceiling. the wings are on a hinge and dangle on the sides. Underneath the bird will be a fan that, once triggered, will spin to send an air current upward creating lift underneath the wings causing them to rise and fall to simulate the bird flapping its wings in flight.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Lab 5: Processing

Yo! So this lab had more stumbles than most simply because I had to figure out how to make my computer cooperate between arduino, breadboard, processing, etc. and there was a big problem with my serial permissions. But Todd H. helped us through, and by us I mean Paul, Lucia, and I. Having prior experience with processing, once we got everything up and running I was able to mess around with the program and get a pretty cool etch-a-sketch type thing going. Paul had knobs to use so it worked much better on his than mine which was using flex sensors. Lucia added a twist to the program also and we ended up with these great dots that you can draw with. On to the midterm which is going to be difficult to say the least.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Lab 4: Motors

Due to exhaustion from travels (or waiting to travel thanks to JetBlue), I'm only doing the basic lab to get a motor working this week. This is exciting in the sense that it's all coming together: the computer programing, the wiring, the sensors, and now a motor. I'm ready -- or once I'm fully rested -- to really get my hands dirty and wrap my mind around the arduino language to see what i can really make a sensor and motor do. But I'll save that for next week. For now, I give you a flex sensor turning a servo motor.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Lab 3: LEDs and Flex Sensor

success! getting the feel this sort of stuff. i have some videos that demonstrate the flex sensor working, but not knowing how to upload those I'm just going to talk about it: currently I have three LEDs hooked up with a flex sensor. I borrowed a program from the original lab and made some basic alteration to accompany additional LEDs, and presto: I can bend the flex sensor and all three LEDs dim or brighten based on if you bend the sensor or not.